Operational Geoscience Training
Kick Start your Career with Training from Stag.
Stag has introduced hundreds of professionals in Oil and Gas, CCUS and Geothermal industries to well delivery technologies and operational geoscience methods through our industry-leading training courses. At present, our courses are run only on demand for groups of four persons or more. Each course can be delivered either at our bespoke training facilities in our head office in Aldermaston, or at any international location chosen by a client. Please browse the courses below and contact us to register interest.

The best geologists are the ones who've seen the most rocks.
To understand how rocks influence drillsting behaviour and predictability, you need to get out in the field and think at scale. Building on previous courses successfully delivered for clients including Tullow Oil and AkerBP, our new Field Course "Geological Controls on Drilling Performance" is led by industry expert Graham Eaton. The trip is suitable for all Subsurface and particularly Drilling/Wells personnel involved in Well Planning and Delivery and is run at locations on the UK south coast; however, a bespoke trip including outcrop analogues for relevant field can be designed on demand.
Please contact us to discuss the earliest possibilities for delivery.