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Governance Documents

At Stag, we believe in being upstanding and transparent throughout our business dealings with contractors, services and clients.

Image by bruce mars
Children in Library
Image by Yuriy MLCN

Corporate Social Responsibility

Stag's Corporate Social Responsibility goals are to understand how the business impacts stakeholders (every person or organisation affected by the business), society and the environment and to develop and manage our business processes to produce a positive impact.

Global Human Rights Policy

Respect for human rights is so directly related to integrity and performance that they are inextricably linked. Respecting human rights is a core value at Stag and is embedded in the way we do business. Investing in ethical practices while delivering financial results is a responsibility Stag takes seriously.

Environmental Policy

As a responsible member of the business community, it is important that Stag meets the needs of customers whilst ensuring that the environmental impacts of our activities, products and services are identified, managed and reduced where possible.

Image by Artem Beliaikin
Image by Ant Rozetsky
Image by You X Ventures

Anti-bribery Code of Conduct

Stag has zero tolerance for bribery and corruption. Stag will not make any payment or provide anything of value to any government or public official with a view to influencing or inducing favour to our business.

Anti-Modern Slavery Statement

This statement sets down the commitment by Stag to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our business activities and the steps we have put in place with the aim of ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our own business and supply chains.

Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics

Stag exists to be a leading supplier of Geoscience and Engineering personnel and services in the area of hydrocarbon well delivery, abandonment and re-use. Representing Stag is a privilege, and our staff and contractors are expected to abide by our Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics at all times.

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