C1: Best Practice in Core Handling & Analysis
2024 Programme
3 Days | £1500+VAT per attendee
Course Aims
To provide an understanding and appreciation for best practice in core handling and processing. Provide an awareness of the effects of mineralogy and heterogeneity on core and log data quality. Be able to design a core sampling strategy and build a core analysis programme for all stakeholders.
The course will be a combination of short lectures, practical workshops and plenary discussions to consolidate learning. Each topic will be presented by the expert tutor using MS PowerPoint presentations. Sessions will be structured carefully to ensure optimisation of learning expectations verbally and on PowerPoint, followed by practical exercises to embed understanding. Discussions and question and answer sessions are encouraged to ensure understanding. Each session will contain a practical exercise which will be either on paper and in Excel. Attendees should be familiar with basic calculation and charting functions in Excel. Attendees will have opportunities to share their own experiences, discuss data and explore any issues they may have had relating to core and core analysis data.
Delegates Will Learn:
About different coring techniques
How to recover and process core safely and competently
The importance of heterogeneity and mineralogy and their effects on sampling strategy
How to design a core analysis test programme and work successfully with laboratories
How to measure porosity, permeability and water saturation in core
Gain an understanding of methods to integrate core analysis data with log interpretation and geological models.

Course Outline
Day 1
Course Introduction – Why do we Core?
Introduction to Coring
Coring in ‘Problematic’ Formations – Fractured, Vuggy and Unconsolidated Formations
Pressure Coring
Safe Core Recovery
Wellsite Core Handling – inc. Core
Stabilisation Methods
Core Transport to the Laboratory
Factors Effecting Core and Log data Quality
Introduction to Scales of Measurement in Core Analysis and Logs
Day 2
The Effects of Heterogeneity on Core and Log Data
Core to Log Depth Shifting Theory and Practice
Sidewall Coring/Plugging – Tool Types, Sample Recovery and Handling, Limitations
Designing a Core Analysis and SCAL Test Programme
Core Analysis Laboratory Selection
Core Handling in the Laboratory – Sample Selection, Plugging, Core Slabbing and Preserving
Sample Cleaning and Dying Methods
Core and Log Porosity – Understanding Different Measurements and Factors Effecting Data Quality and integration
Day 3
Water Saturation from Core – Dean-Stark Measurements – Theory, Best Practice and Integration with Log and Other Core Data
Permeability – Controlling Factors, Measurement Choices and Quality Control
Pore Volume Compressibility and Net Overburden Pressure - its Effects on Core Analysis Data
Mineralogy from Core. Different Measurement Types and Integration with Log Data
Integration of Reservoir Geology, Core Analysis and Log Data
Petrophysical Rock Types. An Introduction to Different Rock Types (Inc. Flow Zone Index). Integration with Core and Log Data. Comparison with Geological Facies.
Definition of Pore Geometry from Core using Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure, Backscattered Electron Microscopy and CT Imaging
Course Conclusion and Review